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IMPORTANT: Health form must be submitted to our camp office upon registration.  Updates can be submitted later by email.  Please ensure it is filled out completely & accurately.  Campers cannot attend camp without a current health form on file prior to camp.





Do you have allergies?
If yes, what are they allergic to?


Do you require an EpiPen?

***If you are required to carry their EpiPen (.e. bee/wasp allergy), please provide two non-expired EpiPens; one for you to carry with you and one to keep in the Health Centre.***


Check all dietary restrictions
Dietary Restrictions
Dietary Restrictions


Does you have asthma? If yes, indicate severity:

If you will be carrying a puffer with you, please bring an extra non-expired puffer to be left in the Health Centre.  If you have used your puffer in the last year, you are required to have a puffer at camp.


***ALL PRESCRIPTION AND OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS MUST BE LEFT WITH THE HEALTH CARE STAFF WHILE AT CAMP***.  Prescription medication brought to camp must be in its original packaging and must be labeled with the doctor's name, your name, dosage, schedule, route and date.  If any over-the-counter medications are sent to camp with you, they must be in the original package and left with the Health Care Staff.***



May the following over-the-counter medications be given to you while at camp, if deemed necessary by the nurse or first aid attendant? Select those you will allow (if necessary):


Have you experienced or are currently experiencing any of the following conditions:
Have you experienced or are you currently experiencing any of the following conditions:
Have you experienced or are you currently experiencing any of the following conditions:


IMPORTANT REMINDERS & WAIVER - please read carefully!

  • I understand that all information collected will be used to diagnose, treat or maintain my physical or mental health and to assist in preventing disease or injury or to promote health.  This information is considered to be confidential and will be shared amongst health care providers as needed.  ie: Camp Director, Camp Nurse, First Aid Attendant, Camp Counsellor.  Walk in Clinic or Emergency Health Care Providers.  This information will only be shared with the Camp Director and Camp staff on a need to know basis to ensure the physical and mental health of. my child.

  • To the best of my knowledge, I am in good health.  I will notify the camp in writing prior to arrival if there is any change in my  health, or if I am exposed to any communicable disease within 3 weeks prior to arrival at camp.

  • I agree to reimburse the camp for any prescriptions or medical expenses incurred for this camper.

  • I will submit any changes to this health form in writing to the camp prior to arrival.

  • At each camp there will be medical staff as follows:​​​

    • Day Camps in July will have a First Aid Attendant on site for the duration of the camp.

    • August Overnight Camp will have a Registered Nurse and a First Responder on site for the duration of camp.


Medical Release:  I, the parent or legal guardian of the camper mentioned above, hereby delegate the authority to the Leaders of camp to arrange whatever medical treatment they deem necessary during my daughter’s stay at camp. I hereby declare that the camp staff shall not be responsible for any injury or loss suffered by my daughter except insofar as any such loss is solely attributable to the negligence of the staff of camp acting within the course of their duties. I further consent to the transportation of my daughter from the camp to the nearest hospital or clinic.

Which camp will you be working at?
Thank you for submitting your Medical Waiver form.
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